作者 |
朱凱婷 |
出版社 |
9789881804105 |
分類 |
兒童讀物 > 其他 |
價格 |
HK$150.00 |
出版日期 |
2011年07月 |
語言版本 |
中文(繁) |
裝幀 |
平裝 |
This main purpose for this book is to train more bilingual children with the narration in both English and Chinese, two of the most widely spoken language today. With this book, during storytelling, it can further enhance their listening and reading comprehension skills. As research shows, children are more capable of learning new languages during development. Also, an interesting storyline plays a very important role in learning two different languages at the same time. Therefore, we should take advantage of this in order to produce higher-level kids. Also, all profits from selling this book go to the Hong Kong Cancel Fund. Enjoy!
美國 史丹福大學 東亞研究中心 陳明銶教授
To a talented young person of seventeen, a decade seems a lengthy span. This is how long Michele has devoted herself to painting with an uninterrupted weekly Western art class. Among the array of cultural enrichments and extra-curricular interests that her family offered her, Michelle has embraced from the start without any reservation visual arts, especially painting while letting go of ballet and piano. Indeed, painting has been a vital part of her life since age seven.
To Michele, painting is a great joy, a genuine pleasure as much as an artistic fulfillment and a communicative necessity. Because it affords her an effective outlet to express herself, record her impressions, preserve her sentiments, and above all, share her feelings with others, those around her and many further afar. Through the images that she creates, painting enables Michele to convey messages with meanings and purposes that will trigger responses and echoes. Aiming at initiating dialogues with viewers, her drawings serve Michelle well as a versatile interactive outreach instrument across languages and cultures. In fact, they help to engage her with the world and bring the world closer to her.