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Featured recommendations

  • 魯班誕 Lo Pan Festival - 明信片
    魯班誕 Lo Pan Festival - 明信片
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  • 舊鯉魚門軍營第10座 Block 10 of The Old Lei Yue Mun Barracks - 明信片
    舊鯉魚門軍營第10座 Block 10 of The Old Lei Yue Mun Barracks - 明信片
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  • 甘棠第 Kom Tong Hall - 明信片
    甘棠第 Kom Tong Hall - 明信片
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  • 九龍水塘主壩 Main Dam, Kowloon Reservoir - 明信片
    九龍水塘主壩 Main Dam, Kowloon Reservoir - 明信片
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  • 大包米訊號塔 Signal Tower at Blackhead Point - 明信片
    大包米訊號塔 Signal Tower at Blackhead Point - 明信片
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  • 伯大尼修院 The Bethanie - 明信片
    伯大尼修院 The Bethanie - 明信片
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The Young Cicero Reading; Vincenzo Foppa

  • The importance of writing

  • Writing in order of heavy and light
  • Poetry and distance

  • Enjoying poems and looking into the distance

The importance of writing

Writing in order of heavy and light

Poetry and distance

Enjoying poems and looking into the distance